
When: January 16, 2018    8:00 AM


Mid America Pool & Spa Show                                                          CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Lucas Oil Stadium
Indianapolis, Indiana 
United States
Presenter:Greg Garrett
Contact:Mila Pandzic
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The swimming pool finish is the last part of the pool to be done, yet it’s the first thing the customer sees when they enter the pool.  Protect the finish by starting it right the first time, every time. 

Why should you become an NPC Certified Start-Up Technician?

This is a 9-hour program that will certify an individual in the National Plasterers Council industry method of properly starting up the water chemistry and care of a newly surfaced swimming pool and/or spa. The course will cover five primary areas: The History and Chemistry of Swimming Pool Surfaces, Understanding Water Chemistry, Using a Water Test Kit, Start-Up Procedures and Start-Up Problems and Solutions. The course will include a test in the proper methods of testing water and conclude with a sixty (60) minute written test.

Any industry professional who is an employee of a member company of a recognized industry trade association, in good standing, can apply to take this program. This includes: IPSSA, NPC, APSP, FSPA and UPA. Or, you can become a member of NPC as you register for this. ONLY NPC Members can publically advertise their certification. Participants must fill out and submit an application, pass the water testing test, and pass at least 80% of the written test. A Certification Renewal Class is required every three years to maintain this certification. Participants must bring with them a test kit that will test: Free and Total Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness and Cyanuric Acid.    

Registration: $415.00 per person - This price includes the class, NPC Technical Manual, Start-Up Reference Manual, and Start-Up Card.  Lunch is included.

This class qualifies for 8 Continuing Education Units (CEU's) from the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP).